Puma Perl

Code Blue

What exactly do people have against the dead?
They don’t pick fights or treat others dismissively,
they’re quiet, they don’t litter or play music past 10PM,
and they prefer to lie quietly in their coffins, with no
demands except to please keep the air cool and circulating.

People have even been known to scream upon
coming across a dead body despite the fact that no
harm could possibly come to them; some folks 
turn away from the dead at funerals and wakes,
which is particularly rude since great pains
are often taken to dress the dearly departed in 
their best attire, and to employ makeup artists and  
hair stylists to ensure that they look their best.

And horror movies and post-apocalyptic television
shows only serve to increase the prejudice against
the dead. It is a well-known fact that a very low
percentage of the unalive actually become blood-
thirsty zombies, but despite this well-researched
information many still panic when a ghost stops
by to pass the time or to say a simple hello.

The one way that kindness is shown is often
based on hypocrisy, the notion that it is uncouth
to speak poorly of the dead. Even Hitler has many
defenders who point out his vegetarianism and
claim that he really only wanted to build a better
Germany, in other words, make it great again!

An exception to this code of behavior is disgraced,
former gallery owner Andrew Crispo, who, in all
of his obituaries is raked over the coals; Crispo
was responsible for only a handful of deaths as 
opposed to Hitler’s millions, but nobody seems
seems to have anything good to say about him,
and we have not even touched on the many
ways necrophiliacs are stigmatized. Some of them
are even arrested! Does anyone take the time 
to ask the dead if they objected? I think not!

A true democracy is inclusive of all, whether
or not one can find a pulse or hear a heartbeat.
We must remember that until all us are dead
none of us are dead, we are simply floating
in that place between breath and suffocation,
hiding from the unknown, embracing a world
built on false knowledge and blind hindsight.

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