
Horror Sleaze Trash is open for submissions! Please send art, poetry, fiction, nonfiction, interviews, reviews, music, models, porn, and your mothers to:

As long as it either gives you a laugh or a hard-on, it’s all gravy baby!


What we’re really looking for: Fiction-wise, please try to keep it under 4,000 words. We’ll gladly consider going higher for the right kind of material, but longer pieces aren’t so well-suited for our format.

Reprints / simultaneous submissions accepted.


The Fine Print: By submitting to HST, you provide us with nonexclusive rights to reproduce your submissions on our website and in our products and promotional material, except where otherwise stated. You retain your copyright. Exceptions include instances where the copyright belongs to a third party (i.e., your publisher), in which case permissions would need to be sought/acquired prior to submission. HST abides by the DMCA and assumes no liability for unlawfully submitted material.